| marting For reasons of data protection, more information about marting is only available for players! | | Motto: | es ist keiner zu gering, die Welt zu verändern | Favourite game: | Go, Backgammon | |
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| Letzte Website-Beiträge von marting zu: | 29.03.18: Poll: Hast du auf Brettspielnetz neue Spi.. |
| | Go (6 days, T59) | | | Axio (6 days, T22) |
| Minesw. (5 days, T15) | | | Axio (6 days, T11) | | | Go (6 days, T118) | | | Axio (2 days, T3) | | | Minesw. (6 days, T18) | | | Axio (5 days, T9) | | | Go (5 days, T40) | | | Go (6 days, T71) | | | Minesw. (6 days, T22) | | | Backg. (3 days, T25) | | | Backg. (3 days, T23) | |