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EN Spielregeln sudoku ( DE / NL ):

Game Idea and Game Goal

A game based on the usual rules of classic Sudoku:
  • It is a 9x9 board with 81 fields, i.e. with 9 rows and 9 columns, divided into 9 boxes (each 3x3).
  • Numbers from 1 to 9 are placed on the board so that every row, every column and every box contains each digit at most once (well, well, in real Sudoku it is it exactly once).
There are 81 tiles: 9 each with the numbers 1 to 9. During the course of the game, the players take turns placing these tiles on the board, for which the players receive points. The player who has more points at the end wins.


Game Start

At the beginning, 9 of the 81 tiles are randomly placed on the board, so that there is exactly one in each column and each row. The 72 remaining tiles are shuffled.


The players take turns.
For his turn, each player gets a random tile that he must place according to the Sudoku rules (see above). The tile to be placed is shown on the top left of the game board (in the example it is a 4). It is placed by clicking on the desired target field.
Then it's the other player's turn.

Getting Points

There are two possibilities:
  • The player does not place his tile according to the Sudoku rules. Then he gets 0 points.
  • The player places his tile correctly. Then he gets one point for each tile that is already before in the same row, column or in the same box, with each tile is counted only once. In the example, placing the 4 on d4 brings 9 points: for the "neighbors" in the same middle square 7 points, for the 3 and the 9 in the same column d outside the box again 2 points and 0 points for line 4, since there are no tiles on the right and left. In the picture above, the fields that theoretically bring points for this example are highlighted in beige.
The total points of the two players are shown under the game board.

End of Game

The game ends when a player receives a tile that prevents him from playing correctly. The end is automatically recognized on In rare cases, the game also ends when all the tiles have been placed.

The player with the most points wins! In the event of a tie, the game is considered a draw.

© Ottmar Zimmer, Brettspielnetz 2024