
Object of the board game
This board game is played in the forest, the object is to score as many points as possible by hunting in the forest.

Playing the board game
One player takes the part of the woodsmen and the hunters, and the other player takes the foxes and bears. Both sides hunt each other, and there are also ducks and pheasants to hunt too.. On the game board all the tiles are placed face down, on their turn a player turns one up or makes a move with one which has already been turned up. Blue player starts. On a turn a player has 2 options:Turn a face down tile over.Move a face up tile.
Turning a face down card over
When choosing to turn a tile over, select any one of the still face down tiles and turn it over! Brettspielnetz.de makes sure the orientation of the card does not change.

Moving a face up tile
The tiles may be moved by the following players: brown tiles only by the brown player, blue tiles only by the blue player, neutral, green tiles – ducks and pheasants only – can be moved by either player. The green tiles showing a tree can never be moved. Tiles may only be moved in a straight line (not diagonal) and only over empty spaces, but they can (in many cases) be moved several spaces at a time. There are a few special rules:
A bear can only move one space at a time.
A woodsman can also only move one space at a time.
Moving in a zig-zag is not allowed, and it is not allowed to make a ‘null’ move, putting the tile back on the same space as it started.
A neutral, green tile, which one player has either just moved or just turned over cannot then be immediately moved by the other player on the next turn.
Moving back and forth isn't allowed: When you moved a certain tile, you cannot move it back to that position again in the next move. In other stalemate situations the hunted must leave that situation (this isn't automatically detected, contact us if it happens).

Hunting and Points
The aim of the board game is to kill enemy and neutral tiles. To do this the different characters have different abilities:
The woodsman only cuts down trees.
The hunter kills all animals (bears, foxes, pheasants, and ducks) but only in the direction his gun is pointing. This is the reason it is important to flip the tiles over without changing the orientation. Also the orientation must not change during movement. The hunter can shoot through empty spaces in his shooting direction.
The bear kills hunters and woodsmen.
The fox kills pheasants and ducks.
Killing a tile isn't obligated. When killing a tile the attacking tile is placed where the now dead tile was. The killed tile is worth points for the player who killed it.
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Board Game End
As soon as the last tile has been turned face up the next player begins the end-phase of the game. Each player now has exactly 5 turns left before the game ends. During the end-phase it is possible to score points in an additional way to killing enemy and neutral tiles. Now you may move your own pieces off the board and add them to your points. This is done using the normal movement rules, and getting tiles to an imagainary space just off the board where the orange entrances to the woods are (cells a5, i5, e9 and e1). Any tiles removed from play in this way count their normal value but for their own player.
The board game can also end early if all the cards are face up and one player has no tiles of their colour on the board and isn't able to move neutral tiles (duck or pheasant).
At the end of the board game each player counts up the points for their kills and escapees:
Bear: | 10 points |
Fox: | 5 points |
Woodsman: | 5 points |
Hunter: | 5 points |
Pheasant: | 3 points |
Duck: | 2 points |
Tree: | 2 points |
Whoever has the most points wins. If there is a tie then whoever has the most scoring tiles is the winner.
Draw rules
Some board games end undecided: draw. If both players cannot win, unless the opponent makes a grave mistake, they usually decide to offer a draw. In fact it is prohibited to play on just because you're hoping on a mistake of your opponent, if you have no other winning chances. Officially the game is drawn if:
- both players agree to draw
- if 50 moves in a row no tile is turned *
*: This situation is not automatically detected on Brettspielnetz.de. You can claim the draw by messaging an admin. You must specify the gamenumber and a message like this: "My next move will be b2-b3 and because no tile is turned in 50 moves, I claim a draw.". The admin will check you claim and if you are right, he will declare the game to be drawn.
Quick reference
| Number | Value | Distance | Direction: | Bounty |
 | 2x | 10 | 1 | in all directions |   |
 | 6x | 5 | unlimited | in all directions |   |
 | 2x | 5 | 1 | in all directions |   |
 | 8x | 5 | unlimited | Only in the aiming direction |     |
 | 8x | 3 | unlimited | not | |
 | 7x | 2 | unlimited | not | |
  | 15x | 2 | 0 | not | |