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EN Spielregeln ataxx ( DE / NL ):

Game Goal

In the name Ataxx, of course, is attack. Interestingly enough, a related game from around 1991 was also called "Infection", so you can also think of contagion. Regardless of whether it is an attack or an infection, the aim is to have a majority on the 7x7 board with your own color at the end of the game by increasing your own pieces and turning over opponents' pieces.

Game Start and Progress

Each player starts with 2 pieces, each in the diagonally opposite corners of the board.

The starting position is shown on the right.
From now on it is alternately drawn. Red starts.

Moving Your Own Stones

During your turn, you move one of your stones to an empty field. You can only move your own stones 1 or 2 squares (straight or diagonally, mixed if there are 2 squares). You do this by first clicking on the stone and then on the target square.

Special case: no moves possible

If it is your turn and you cannot move a stone, your turn is wasted and it is your opponent's turn again!

"Splitting" stones

If you place the stone 1 field away on a directly adjacent field (maximum 8 possibilities), then it "splits". At the end of your turn you have one more stone: one on the starting space and one on the target space.

In the picture on the right, Blue has split from f6 to e5.

Moving stones

You can also move the stone 2 squares (maximum 16 possibilities), then it moves there and does not split. Occupied squares can be skipped.

Flip opposing stones

It doesn't matter whether you split or moved: If the target field of the turn is adjacent (straight or diagonally) to one or more opponent's stones, these all are recolored to your color!

In the picture on the right, red has moved from f2 to f4 and at the same time has changed the color of the formerly blue stone e5 to red.

End of Game and Winner

The game ends
  • when a player runs out of stones,
  • or when both players are unable to make any more moves.
The player who has more stones of his color on the board wins.

Special case: Endless game

At the end of the game, situations can (rarely!) arise in which the game continues indefinitely and the same positions appear again and again. If the same position appears 3 times in a game, then the game also ends. Even then, the player with the most stones in his color wins.

Such a situation is not automatically recognized by Please use the contact form to contact the administration, so that they finish the game!

© Ottmar Zimmer, Brettspielnetz 2024